Saturday, April 13, 2013

Oh, really?

How can someone who has far less than me in multiple aspects assume my life is miserable?

I have kids, so that means I don't spoil myself? Aren't my clothes, electronics, handbags, etc all nicer than yours?

And how can you make fun of someone for copying your diet..if that person's dieting efforts were actually successful - in very short time - as compared to your completely failed version that's been going on for months.

Friday, April 12, 2013

I absolutely LOVE this new weight-loss thing.

And I figured out the "key" to weight-loss.

Everyone, of course, keeps asking my secret. I know they're expecting me to come up with some trick they haven't tried..but what I've changed is just my mind. I've changed my mind. I've changed my way of thinking and ended my self-made denial.

Before, I would excuse my bad eating behaviors. I'd say I'm too busy, or I've earned it, or the weight was due to having had 3 kids. I would look in the mirror and ignore what I saw, as if it wasn't that bad. I would put diets off, insisting in my head that I could always lose it later.

Now, I'm telling myself NO excessive cheats. NO midnight snacks. NO soda. NO fast food. NO gluttonous sugar consumption!

I feel better. I look AWESOME. And my confidence level? Through the roof. I've been passing tests in school, making hella money at work, and attracting all the right attention from all the right people. Even the few minor setbacks I've had haven't been anything I felt like I couldn't conquer. I truly believe in myself now.

My newest challenge is to be bikini-sexy by May. It will happen.

I even re-pierced my belly button. I feel like I'm recapturing my youth. I love this new Stephanie.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Motivation is the key to success!

I had been struggling getting used to my software and my machine, but I found some motivation, and I was able to transcribe the entire test today. Now, it may not be a pass yet, but it's a far cry from the jibber-jabber I had been typing last week. It's a lot cleaner, plus I've had a little time to get a few of my briefs defined in my dictionary.

One thing I haven't been struggling with at all is my fweight loss! I'm 137 pounds as of today! That's down from 160!! And I'm doing it the old-fashioned way, just finally motivated enough to get it done.

133 was my original goal, but as I get closer to that I just want to keep lowering my goal. Perhaps when I graduate I can be a svelte 125 again and wear a beautiful dress to my graduation.

Life is great.

Personally, I'm enjoying every single moment of my freedom and my time spent with my incredible children. I love being just by myself with my kids. Even though I have guys beating down my door, I prefer to shoo them off. I really just love this life. It's every thing I've ever wanted, really. I think this was meant for me. I'm good at it. Too good for just any old idiot within close proximity to be with just out of convenience. I need someone on my level or no one at all. That is a rare find, after all.:)

Monday, February 18, 2013

It's my birthday

As well as the end of my #18daychallenge.

I did THIS in 18 days! You can too!

Saturday, February 16, 2013


I can't believe it, but it looks like I'm actually exceeding the goal I set for myself during my 18 day challenge.

In all aspects of my life right now, I am really doing well.

I've lost 12 pounds since January 31st. TWELVE. Amaze-balls. I only wanted to lose 10 for the whole month.

I've gotten two blue cards in the 200 speed. I only wanted to get one this month.

I have my machine and software up and running, though still tweaking it to my liking.

My cooking skills have definitely risen.

I haven't had any soda or fast food in two weeks.

I'm actually doing it for once, and not just constantly talking about it without action. ;)

I've reached a turning point and I am at the top of my game right now.

Friday, February 15, 2013


I'm going to clean my house.

I'm going to practice at least an hour.

I'm going to learn 10 new briefs.

Then I'm taking Mallory to the movies!